Tuesday 30 October 2012


                        Independent Herbalife Distributor

                        ANANDAN K

                             Address: #14, 2nd Cross, RajaRajeshwari Layout,
                             Opposite Ayappa Nagar Petrol Bunk, K.R puram- 36
                             Mobile: +91 9448841461

Changing People's Lives One Person at a Time

Our programmes work on the principle of Cellular Nutrition – ie. Delivery of high-tech natural, totally-balanced nutrition directly to the cells of the body. Our products are formulated by the world leading doctors and scientists (one of whom is a Nobel Prize Winner in Human Nutrition who is the only doctor of his caliber working for a nutrition company and he actually approached Herbalife to work with us…. So the science behind the products is cutting edge).

Basically, when the body gets all the nutrients it needs, in an easily digestible form it reduces the cravings for food (because the body craves good nutrition and so when we feed ourselves poor food it just craves more nutrition and we overeat) . Unfortunately these days a lot of our food is highly processed, full of chemicals, and too heavy in carbs and lacking in protein (85% of us are protein deficient in our diet). Even organic vegetables lack some macronutrients and minerals due to poor soil content.  Having good amount of protein intake “flicks a switch” in our brain to burn fat and produce lean muscle, having a good amount of lean muscle prevents “yo-yo” dieting.
So our nutrition programmes are based on replacing 2 meals a day with a smoothie – made with the highest quality soy protein and packed with the right amount of carbs, protein, essential fatty acids, soluble fibre, vitamins, minerals and herbs – all in total balance (our doctors say you can live on a desert island on this product as it contains everything the body needs in perfect balance). You make the smoothie with soy, rice or oat milk or cow’s milk if you are not lactose intolerant. You can also make it with juices, yoghurt, porridge, soups etc…. it is really versatile. I even make a jelly mousse with strawberries, a jelly and the powder! You are also encouraged to throw in some fruit for fibre and flavour and to make it extra yummy!. For example I have a Banana Smoothie every day for brekky! The soy protein satisfies your hunger and gives you slow-burn energy for hours (which is why it is so popular with athletes, World No.1 Tennis Player Rafael Nadal uses our products as does David Beckham and many other top sportsmen).

Below are Sample Testimonials.